
Alumni of RSRC are united in a foundation: Stichting Oud-RSRC. The foundation owns the clubhouse and supports the club wherever that is necessary. Funds are raised by RSRC alumni who want to continue their support for student rugby in Rotterdam even long after they have finished studying in Rotterdam.

Each year the foundation commits itself to organise a number of alumni events. These include the illustrious New Years Drink and of course the festivities to celebrate the Dies Natalis of the club in early May.

Donations of any size can be made to IBAN NL33RABO0105432059 of Stichting Oud RSRC, Rabobank Rotterdam (BIC RABONL2U). The status of ‘Donateur’ will be granted to anyone donating at least €50 a year. Donateurs are eligible for free drinks at selected club events.

We are constantly trying to improve our database of former members and we would like to ask you to fill out the mailing list form further down this page. All interested people can leave their address, however we strongly encourage all alumni to leave their address here. It doesn’t matter if you have been with us for just a couple of months during a study abroad, or if you were a player for the majority of your time in Rotterdam, please fill out the form below.