Join us

Feel the vibe

Watch our Eurekaweek promo!

Wanna join a training session?

Before registering with RSRC, it is possible to join a training session once. The entire club trains every week at the following times:

Tuesday 18:45-20:45
Rugby training

Thursday 18:45-20:45
Rugby training

After training, we always come together to enjoy a meal and some drinks.

How can I join?

Are you already convinced and don’t need a trial session? Then you can register after each training session. Ask for the secretary at the club, and he will explain everything and assist you further.

Are you interested? Contact our secretary!

Huub Loderichs


For questions regarding the membership of the club

What else does RSRC offer?

In addition to training and matches, R.S.R.C. also offers a lot on the social front. Through numerous activities beyond rugby, there is a strong sense of cohesion and student culture. Your teammates are not just teammates, but also your best friends during and after your student years. These activities include:

  • Open parties
  • Weekly social evenings
  • Theme nights
  • Christmas dinner
  • Ski trip
  • New Year’s reception
  • Dies
  • Trip
  • Ameland trip
  • And much more!

With your membership, you also receive a sports pass for Erasmus Sport, and for a small additional fee, you can have access to the Erasmus Sport fitness facilities for a year.

Super Sunday

Make sure to follow us on Instagram!

Rotterdamse Studenten Rugby Club


📍Rotterdam, Kralingen, Lucie Vuylstekeweg 40 🔴🟢 since 1968
The open party is back on February 28. Save the date for an amazing time of your life. Theme will be announced shortly. 🪩❤️💚
#Studenten #bier #rotterdamsestudentenrugbyclub #RSRC #openfeest #studentparty #Rugby #kralingen #openparty #party #beer #student
  • First home game of the season’s second half. 2XV will be playing against @rugbyrel.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
  • 🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉

After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾
#Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
  • This weekend 2XV will be traveling to Eindhoven to play against @elephantsrugby.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
  • We will be hosting open training sessions on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th at 19:00 . Drinks and food will be provided after training!

Lucie Vuylstekeweg 40 

For further questions contact: +31 6 11 49 44 05

#RSRC #Studenten #Rugby #Nederland #Rugbynederland #erasmus #bier #kralingen #gameday #0vaalweek #erasmussport #beer
  • This weekend 2XV will be playing against @rcdelft in Delft to commence the second half of the season.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
  • Don’t forget to pick up your naked calendar! Calendars are still available to purchase, order them to support the #movember cause! ❤️💚 LINK IN BIO
#studentrugby #movember #rugbynl #student #rugby #erasmus #rotterdam #rsrc #naaktkalender #nudecalendar #studentlife
  • Upcoming games for the next two months.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
  • *Hans van Gent overleden*
Zaterdag 4 januari is op 75-jarige leeftijd Old Bear Hans van Gent overleden. Hans was secretaris in het 4e Bestuur 1971/1972 van de RSRC. Na zijn tijd in Rotterdam heeft hij zich lang fanatiek ingezet voor de rugbysport in Nederland. Zo was Hans een aantal jaren penningmeester van de NRB en organiseerde hij mede Golden Oldies rugby toernooien. Hij is dan ook terecht benoemd tot Lid van verdienste van Rugby Nederland.

Als 59e Bestuur van de RSRC en mede namens alle Old Bears, wensen wij zijn vrouw Cécile, hun drie zonen en partners, kleinkinderen en allen die hem dierbaar waren, veel sterkte met het verlies van deze mooie en markante persoon. 
old ruggers never die...
The open party is back on February 28. Save the date for an amazing time of your life. Theme will be announced shortly. 🪩❤️💚
#Studenten #bier #rotterdamsestudentenrugbyclub #RSRC #openfeest #studentparty #Rugby #kralingen #openparty #party #beer #student
❗️OPEN PARTY ANNOUNCEMENT❗️ The open party is back on February 28. Save the date for an amazing time of your life. Theme will be announced shortly. 🪩❤️💚 • • • #Studenten #bier #rotterdamsestudentenrugbyclub #RSRC #openfeest #studentparty #Rugby #kralingen #openparty #party #beer #student
4 days ago
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First home game of the season’s second half. 2XV will be playing against @rugbyrel.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
First home game of the season’s second half. 2XV will be playing against @rugbyrel.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
First home game of the season’s second half. 2XV will be playing against @rugbyrel.❤️💚🏉 • • • #studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
6 days ago
View on Instagram |
🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉

After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾
#Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉

After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾
#Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉

After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾
#Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉

After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾
#Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉

After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾
#Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉

After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾
#Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
🎉Naamloos Festival 2025🎉 After a successful first edition last year, we and 5 other Rotterdam students sports clubs are back this year on the 12th of July with the second edition of Naamloos Festival. Buy your Early Bird Tickets ASAP via the link in our bio or through the @naamloosrotterdam Insta for only €13,95. Like last year a fine mixture of beers, Bozu, music and the atmosphere of a Student Rugby Club will result in an unforgettable experience. ❤️💚🍺🍾 • • • #Studenten #Rugby #kralingen #Rotterdam #Beer #Bozu #festival #music #erasmus #Party #daydrinking
1 week ago
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This weekend 2XV will be traveling to Eindhoven to play against @elephantsrugby.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
This weekend 2XV will be traveling to Eindhoven to play against @elephantsrugby.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
This weekend 2XV will be traveling to Eindhoven to play against @elephantsrugby.❤️💚🏉 • • • #studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
2 weeks ago
View on Instagram |
We will be hosting open training sessions on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th at 19:00 . Drinks and food will be provided after training!

Lucie Vuylstekeweg 40 

For further questions contact: +31 6 11 49 44 05

#RSRC #Studenten #Rugby #Nederland #Rugbynederland #erasmus #bier #kralingen #gameday #0vaalweek #erasmussport #beer
We will be hosting open training sessions on Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th at 19:00 . Drinks and food will be provided after training! Lucie Vuylstekeweg 40 For further questions contact: +31 6 11 49 44 05 * * * #RSRC #Studenten #Rugby #Nederland #Rugbynederland #erasmus #bier #kralingen #gameday #0vaalweek #erasmussport #beer
2 weeks ago
View on Instagram |
This weekend 2XV will be playing against @rcdelft in Delft to commence the second half of the season.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
This weekend 2XV will be playing against @rcdelft in Delft to commence the second half of the season.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
This weekend 2XV will be playing against @rcdelft in Delft to commence the second half of the season.❤️💚🏉 • • • #studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
3 weeks ago
View on Instagram |
Don’t forget to pick up your naked calendar! Calendars are still available to purchase, order them to support the #movember cause! ❤️💚 LINK IN BIO
#studentrugby #movember #rugbynl #student #rugby #erasmus #rotterdam #rsrc #naaktkalender #nudecalendar #studentlife
Don’t forget to pick up your naked calendar! Calendars are still available to purchase, order them to support the #movember cause! ❤️💚 LINK IN BIO • • • #studentrugby #movember #rugbynl #student #rugby #erasmus #rotterdam #rsrc #naaktkalender #nudecalendar #studentlife
3 weeks ago
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Upcoming games for the next two months.❤️💚🏉

#studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
Upcoming games for the next two months.❤️💚🏉 • • • #studentenrugby #kralingen #rugbynederland #Rugby #Studenten #RSRC #student #game #gameday
3 weeks ago
View on Instagram |
*Hans van Gent overleden*
Zaterdag 4 januari is op 75-jarige leeftijd Old Bear Hans van Gent overleden. Hans was secretaris in het 4e Bestuur 1971/1972 van de RSRC. Na zijn tijd in Rotterdam heeft hij zich lang fanatiek ingezet voor de rugbysport in Nederland. Zo was Hans een aantal jaren penningmeester van de NRB en organiseerde hij mede Golden Oldies rugby toernooien. Hij is dan ook terecht benoemd tot Lid van verdienste van Rugby Nederland.

Als 59e Bestuur van de RSRC en mede namens alle Old Bears, wensen wij zijn vrouw Cécile, hun drie zonen en partners, kleinkinderen en allen die hem dierbaar waren, veel sterkte met het verlies van deze mooie en markante persoon. 
old ruggers never die...
*Hans van Gent overleden* Zaterdag 4 januari is op 75-jarige leeftijd Old Bear Hans van Gent overleden. Hans was secretaris in het 4e Bestuur 1971/1972 van de RSRC. Na zijn tijd in Rotterdam heeft hij zich lang fanatiek ingezet voor de rugbysport in Nederland. Zo was Hans een aantal jaren penningmeester van de NRB en organiseerde hij mede Golden Oldies rugby toernooien. Hij is dan ook terecht benoemd tot Lid van verdienste van Rugby Nederland. Als 59e Bestuur van de RSRC en mede namens alle Old Bears, wensen wij zijn vrouw Cécile, hun drie zonen en partners, kleinkinderen en allen die hem dierbaar waren, veel sterkte met het verlies van deze mooie en markante persoon. old ruggers never die…
4 weeks ago
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Still not convinced? Let our Secretary convince you!

Huub Loderichs


For questions regarding the membership of the club